For QSL requests, please send self addressed stamped envelope (S.A.S.E.) with Canadian stamps or self addressed envelopes (sae) and 2 IRCs or 2 greenbacks to Mike, ve2xb at the address on Now, if you send an envelope with no stamps, it will sit in a pile until you send me some stamps, International Reply Coupons or IRC available at most post offices around the world. These can be exchanged around the world for a first class air mail stamp. If you send me your card only with no self addressed stamped envelope or IRCs, it will sit in a pile until I get to the buro QSLs.
Kindly remember that I am in Canada and can`t use US stamps, but I do visit the States and if you send US stamps, I can probably send you a QSL card on next visit to Vermont where I visit friends and spend time there. However, this will mean delays, sometimes long ones, so pse be patient.
The QSL cards are full colour made from digital pix by my good friend, Gennedy, UX5UO. Gennedy does excellent work and he`s super fast. He has made several different qsl cards for my various dx`pedition trips and I plan on traveling more exotic destinations...